V najnovšom rebríčku TOP európskych univerzít slovenské univerzity opäť chýbajú

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18.3.2016 |

Najlepšie zo všetkých krajín dopadla Veľká Británia. Medzi 200 najlepšími európskymi školami ich má až 46. Druhou krajinou je Nemecko, ktoré ich má medzi top univerzitami 36.


Aj tento rok vydal časopis Times Higher Education rebríček najprestížnejších vysokých škôl v Európe. Najlepšie hodnotenie dosiahla Oxfordská univerzita, za ňou nasledovala Cambridgská univerzita a ako tretia sa umiestnila Imperial College v Londýne. Slovensko sa v tomto rebríčku neumiestnilo ani s jednou svoju vysokou školou. Podobne sú na tom i naše susedné krajiny ako Poľsko a Maďarsko. Česká republika sa


Hodnotenie škôl zohľadňovalo rôzne kritériá. Obsahovalo body za prostredie školy, výskumné prostredie, citácie (vplyv výskumov), medzinárodnú spoluprácu i prepojenie s priemyslom.


Uspelo Nemecko, Škandinávia i Taliansko

Nemecko sa umiestnilo so svojou najlepšou univerzitou LMU Munich na 10. mieste. Je druhou krajinou, ktorá mala v rebríčku najviac univerzít. Až tretina z nich sa umiestnila v prvej 50-tke.


Taliansko sa blyslo v zozname svojimi 19 univerzitami. Najlepšie hodnotená bola  Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, ktorá sa umiestnila na 50. mieste.


Škandinávske krajiny Švédsko a Fínsko boli výrazne úspešné aj vzhľadom na nízky počet obyvateľov týchto krajín. Švédske školy sa objavili v zozname až 11 krát a najlepšia švédska škola bola  Karolinska Institute. Fínske univerzity sa ocitli v rebríčku 6 krát, pričom najlepšie sa umiestnila University of Helsinki. Dánsko a Írsko malo v zozname podobne ako Fínsko 6 škôl.



1University of OxfordUK
2University of CambridgeUK
3Imperial College LondonUK
4ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ZurichSwitzerland
5University College London (UCL)UK
6London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)UK
7University of EdinburghUK
8King’s College LondonUK
9Karolinska InstituteSweden
10LMU MunichGermany
11École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)Switzerland
12KU LeuvenBelgium
13Heidelberg UniversityGermany
14Wageningen University and Research CenterNetherlands
15Humboldt University of BerlinGermany
16Technical University of MunichGermany
17École Normale SupérieureFrance
18University of ManchesterUK
19University of AmsterdamNetherlands
20Utrecht UniversityNetherlands
21Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
22Leiden UniversityNetherlands
23University of BristolUK
24Durham UniversityUK
25Erasmus University RotterdamNetherlands
26Free University of BerlinGermany
27University of GroningenNetherlands
28University of GlasgowUK
28University of HelsinkiFinland
30University of TübingenGermany
31University of WarwickUK
32Uppsala UniversitySweden
33University of CopenhagenDenmark
34University of FreiburgGermany
35University of St AndrewsUK
36Maastricht UniversityNetherlands
37Lund UniversitySweden
38University of ExeterUK
39University of BonnGermany
40University of SheffieldUK
41Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)UK
42University of GöttingenGermany
43École PolytechniqueFrance
43University of BaselSwitzerland
45University of ZurichSwitzerland
46Aarhus UniversityDenmark
46University of MannheimGermany
48RWTH Aachen UniversityGermany
48University of SouthamptonUK
50Scuola Normale Superiore di PisaItaly
51Pierre and Marie Curie UniversityFrance
52Ghent UniversityBelgium
53University of BirminghamUK
54University of BernSwitzerland
55University of Erlangen-NurembergGermany
56Radboud University NijmegenNetherlands
56University of MünsterGermany
58Royal Holloway, University of LondonUK
59Lancaster UniversityUK
60University of GenevaSwitzerland
60University of YorkUK
62University of LeedsUK
63University of OsloNorway
64Stockholm UniversitySweden
65Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyGermany
66University of SussexUK
67University of ViennaAustria
68University of NottinghamUK
69University of LausanneSwitzerland
70Autonomous University of BarcelonaSpain
71University of East AngliaUK
71University of TwenteNetherlands
73VU University AmsterdamNetherlands
74KTH Royal Institute of TechnologySweden
75University of CologneGermany
76University of LiverpoolUK
77TU DresdenGermany
78Trinity College DublinRepublic of Ireland
79Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRussian Federation
80Pompeu Fabra UniversitySpain
80University of ReadingUK
82Technical University of DenmarkDenmark
82Université Catholique de LouvainBelgium
82University of LeicesterUK
85University of AberdeenUK
86University of BarcelonaSpain
87University of KonstanzGermany
88Eindhoven University of TechnologyNetherlands
88University College DublinRepublic of Ireland
90Scuola Superiore Sant’AnnaItaly
90University of GothenburgSweden
92Cardiff UniversityUK
92University of BergenNorway
94University of DundeeUK
94University of WürzburgGermany
96Paris-Sud UniversityFrance
97University of AntwerpBelgium
98Ulm UniversityGermany
99University of LuxembourgLuxembourg
100Charité - Universitätsmedizin BerlinGermany
=101-110Birkbeck, University of LondonUK
École Normale Supérieure de LyonFrance
Goethe University FrankfurtGermany
Newcastle UniversityUK
Paris Diderot University – Paris 7France
Queen’s University BelfastUK
St George’s, University of LondonUK
University of Duisburg-EssenGermany
University of StuttgartGermany
University of TrentoItaly
=111-120Joseph Fourier UniversityFrance
Medical University of ViennaAustria
Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic UniversityRussian Federation
Polytechnic University of MilanItaly
Royal Veterinary CollegeUK
Technical University of DarmstadtGermany
Tilburg UniversityNetherlands
University of BolognaItaly
University of FribourgSwitzerland
University of KielGermany
=121-130Aalborg UniversityDenmark
Aalto UniversityFinland
Bielefeld UniversityGermany
Chalmers University of TechnologySweden
Copenhagen Business SchoolDenmark
Johannes Gutenberg University of MainzGermany
Paris Descartes UniversityFrance
Sapienza University of RomeItaly
Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesSweden
Vienna University of TechnologyAustria
=131-140Aix-Marseille UniversityFrance
Bayreuth UniversityGermany
Linköping UniversitySweden
National University of Ireland, GalwayRepublic of Ireland
Royal College of Surgeons in IrelandRepublic of Ireland
Tomsk Polytechnic UniversityRussian Federation
University of BathUK
University of IcelandIceland
University of LiègeBelgium
University of SurreyUK
=141-150Justus Liebig University GiessenGermany
Ruhr University BochumGermany
Technical University of DortmundGermany
Umeå UniversitySweden
University of BordeauxFrance
University of HohenheimGermany
University of InnsbruckAustria
University of PaduaItaly
University of Southern DenmarkDenmark
University of StrasbourgFrance
University of TriesteItaly
University of TurkuFinland
=151-160Bangor UniversityUK
Kazan Federal UniversityRussian Federation
Montpellier UniversityFrance
Plymouth UniversityUK
University of EssexUK
University of MilanItaly
University of TurinItaly
Vrije Universiteit BrusselBelgium
=161-170Aberystwyth UniversityUK
Autonomous University of MadridSpain
Leibniz University of HanoverGermany
National Research Nuclear University MePhIRussian Federation
Örebro UniversitySweden
Toulouse 1 Capitole UniversityFrance
University of BremenGermany
University of KentUK
University of Naples Federico IIItaly
University of NavarraSpain
University of PaviaItaly
VŠB - Technical University of OstravaCzech Republic
=171-180Loughborough UniversityUK
Université Libre de BruxellesBelgium
University of CreteGreece
University of FlorenceItaly
University of GreifswaldGermany
University of Milan-BicoccaItaly
University of StirlingUK
Verona UniversityItaly
=181-190Instituto Superior Técnico LisboaPortugal
Panthéon-Sorbonne University – Paris 1France
Polytechnic University of TurinItaly
Swansea UniversityUK
UiT The Arctic University of NorwayNorway
University College CorkRepublic of Ireland
University of CyprusCyprus
University of Eastern FinlandFinland
University of JyväskyläFinland
University of TartuEstonia
=191-200Graz University of TechnologyAustria
Lille 2 University – Health and LawFrance
National University of Ireland, MaynoothRepublic of Ireland
Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorway
University of KaiserslauternGermany
University of Modena and Reggio EmiliaItaly
University of OuluFinland
University of Rome II – Tor VergataItaly
University of Rome IIIItaly
University of St GallenSwitzerland
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