Change Leadership

Organizátor kurzu: Blue Ocean Consultancy Ltd
Change Leadership
Pridať medzi obľúbené Obľúbené
23.8.2013, 1.11.2013, 13.12.2013
1 Day = £560 excl. VAT
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O kurze

Obsah kurzu

Stages of Change
  • Awareness of the need for change
  • Preparing for change
  • Managing change
  • Leading Change
  • Reinforcing change
Understanding the impact of organisational change on people Practical Leadership Tools to drive change People leadership through change
  • Understanding concerns people have regarding an organizational change
  • Overcome obstacles
  • Manage resistance to change
  • Create adaptive environment where change is effectively implemented
  • Support staff through change

Cieľ kurzu

Gain knowledge of tools and techniques to plan, implement and manage change effectively
understand what it takes to help people change
An action plan for applying change leadership best practices in their projects
Gain skills to overcome resistance to change

Cieľová skupina

The Change Leadership Workshop is designed for those who have been in a leadership position for a while and are looking for the latest tools and techniques for planning, implementing and managing change effectively.

Kurz je spojený s pobytom:


Zaujal ťa kurz? Máš na organizátora otázku, alebo chceš zistiť o ňom viac? Vyžiadaj si viac informácií.
  • Najrýchlejší spôsob ako kontaktovať organizátora
  • Všetky informácie sú zdarma

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