We Are All Equal

Organizátor kurzu: A.D.E.L. - Association for Development, Education and Labour
We Are All Equal
Pridať medzi obľúbené Obľúbené
06.12.2016 - 14.12.2016
ul. 11 Listopada 35
10:00 - 17:00
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Obsah kurzu

The main objective of our project is to gain new knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes, taking such a difficult subject as religious discrimination, aggression, violence, human rights or to be aware citizen. We will deepen the knowledge about our religions anc cultures, helping to establish intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

The project will be attended by 36 people from Poland, Turkey, Romania and Slovakia aged 17-25 and 1 group leader per national group (no age limit for leader). In addition, we are representatives of 4 different religions: Catholicism, Islam, Judaism and Orthodoxy.

The project will be based on methods and tools of non-formal education, such as: thematic workshops, meetings with the local community, games and integration activities, national evenings, evaluations, living library, presentations, working in small groups, case studies, panel discussions etc.

We will gain new skills and knowledge, become more tolerant, mature and aware citizens who counteract negative phenomena. Through our created results, such as: promotional video, meetings with youngsters and created Dictionary of Tolerance, we will encourage to organize similar projects by other organizations and schools and we will encourage young people to deepen their knowledge, make reflections and say no to discrimination.

Odborný garant:

Lenka Čurillová


Youthpass (oficiálny certifikát EÚ)

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